Friday, February 17, 2012

Kade saves a life.

Doing volunteer time at MTA (Kade's School 4th grade) In the cafeteria, walking around, keeping an eye on all the kids. A kid stops me and says, "that boy is awsome"..."What?" say I. "That kid, he saved my life. I was coughing and coughing....and he did that hymlock thing. You know." "You mean, this kid I said pointing to the boy across from him" I said. "No, I mean Kade. He's awsome, he saved my life." Well this boy was about two heads taller than Kade and maybe 20 or 30 pounds heavier. Kade is a small boy, the size my kids were when they were little, short and thin. I did a double take. The employee paid to keep order in the cafeteria, Mona is her name told me that Ann the nurse had told her about it a couple of months ago. Amazing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


the moon

came @ me

I was

completely awake


a baby laid content

deep inside

its shell

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Importance of Cheese

I love cheese, especially,


it does not

make me wheeze

Not to boast,

but on toast,

when spread

on top of crispy bread

Oh! the love

of Cheese Whiz

goes straight up

to my head

A Philly Cheese Steak

is not just another


filled with beef

and cheese,


with onions

for the glam,


It trembles

in my hand

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's Just Me

I can be a little old lady
People smile, open a door
give me a seat on the bus

But sometimes
In my mind
I'm young, vibrant

Dancing in the sand again
Waves rush through my toes
But alas it's just me being me

In the end, it's just me.